CSE 3521 (Fall 2022)

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Class time: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:30 PM - 12:25 PM

Classroom: Caldwell Lab 177

Course website: https://shuaichenchang.github.io/teaching/CSE3521_au22.html

Instructor: Shuaichen Chang (opens new window)

Email: chang.1692@osu.edu

Office hour: Wed 10:30-11:20 am or Appointment

TA: Russell Zhu (zhu.2750@osu.edu) Office hour: Thur 1-2 pm

Course information

Course abstract: Survey of basic concepts and techniques in artificial intelligence, including problem-solving, knowledge representation, and machine learning.

Course objectives

  • Be familiar with basic search techniques for problem-solving.
  • Be exposed to multiple knowledge-representation formalisms.
  • Be familiar with data and feature representations.
  • Mastery of basic unsupervised learning techniques and the kinds of problems they solve.
  • Mastery of basic supervised learning techniques and the kinds of problems they solve.
  • Be exposed to the ethics of AI.

Course credits: 3 units


Required background:

Syllabus: Click (opens new window)

Weekly Schedule: Click (opens new window)

Slides: Click (opens new window)

Required Textbook

No required textbook. Suggested references:

Other suggested references:

Useful references:

Grading (tentative)

  • Homework: 40%
  • Participation & Quizzes: 10%
  • Midterm exam (TBD): 25%
  • Final exam (12/15 10:00am-11:45am): 25%

Homework: There will be 4 homework assignments. Each assignment will include a problem set and a programming set. Programming in Python 3 is required. Carmen (and other platforms like GitHub or Google Colab) will be used for submission. You must strictly follow the homework and submission instructions. For the problem set and report of the programming set, we may only allow pdf online submission.

Participation: We will use Piazza (opens new window) (see Carmen for the access code). General questions related to this course should be asked in Piazza. Students are encouraged to answer each other's questions and have group discussions.

Midterm exam & final exam: The midterm and final exams will be in person.

Announcements, Communications, and Discussions

We will make announcements using the Carmen website or Piazza. Announcements of urgent matters will be mailed to your name.#@osu.edu address. If you do not regularly read that account, make sure you forward it to somewhere that does.

We will use Piazza or Carmen for discussions. If you have questions about the course materials or policy, please also post them on these platforms. TA and I will monitor these discussions and answer as appropriate, but students should feel free to use the forums to have group discussions as well.

Please only use email to contact the instructor and TA for urgent or personal issues. Any e-mails sent to the instructor and TA should include the tag "[OSU-CSE-3521]" in the subject line. (This ensures we can filter and prioritize your messages.) We reserve the right to forward any questions (and their answers) to the entire class if they should prove relevant. Please indicate if you wish to be anonymized (i.e. have your name removed) in this case.

Policy (see the syllabus for details)


  • There are NO late days for homework assignments.
  • Homework should be neat and professional and follow the required format. In particular, homework on torn sheets, scrap paper, or not well scanned into a single file will not be accepted.
  • Homework is to be done individually. Of course, the discussion between students is allowed and encouraged, but the actual homework should be completed separately. You have to list with whom you discussed.
  • Questions about homework or exams should be made in a timely fashion. Any complaints about homework grading must be made within 1-week of when the item is returned or before 12/14/2021 (whichever comes first). Do not wait until the end of the semester!


  • Excuse from scheduled exams can be accepted only in case of personal sickness requiring medical care or severe accidents in the immediate family (documentation required).

Statement about Disability Services

Statement about disability services: Students with disabilities (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions) that have been certified by the Office of Student Life Disability Services will be appropriately accommodated and should inform the instructor as soon as possible of their needs. The Office of Student Life Disability Services is located in 098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue; telephone 614- 292-3307, slds@osu.edu; slds.osu.edu


The course material is adapted from Prof. Wei-Lun (Harry) Chao (opens new window)

April 2023: 12/1/2022, 10:16:56 PM